Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 4/19/23

Year: 2023

The aim of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Science is to produce scientific information in all fields related to health care, practice, education and management and to publish in order to contribute to the literature.

The scope of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences; includes experimental and clinical studies, current and original research, review articles, as well as case reports, meta-analyses and letters to the editor, prepared in accordance with ethical rules in all areas of health care, practice, education and management. The target audience of the journal is undergraduate and graduate students, employees and academicians studying in the field of health sciences.

Articles; It should be written in 11-point Times New Roman font with 1 line spacing and 1 line between paragraphs. The entire article should be written as justify, and 2.5 cm margins should be left on the page. Main headings should be written in bold and with capital letters. When writing decimal numbers, dots should be used, not commas. Tables should be written in 10 font size, included in the text and numbered according to the order of passage. Tables should not have vertical lines. The table title is above the table, including the table number; The table name should be written with the first letters of the words capitalized and the following letters in lowercase and italic. In the article, diagrams, pictures, figures and graphics should be clearly drawn and not larger than 13x18 cm. The title of the figure should be placed under the figure, the first letters of the words should be capitalized and the others should be written in lower case. The source of the figure, if any, should be specified in parentheses. Figures that do not fit at the end of the page should be placed on the next page. Figures can be given after references if they break the integrity of the text.
References in the article should be written in 10 points. Article; It should not exceed 20 pages, including the main text, figures, graphics, tables, photographs, references and appendices.

Articles; It should be prepared in two separate Word files, a title page where the names, surnames, titles, institutions, department/major sciences, ORCID number, city, country and contact information of the authors are shared, and a main text document that does not include the personal information of the authors and information about their institutions. .
Copyright Transfer Form: Authors transfer their copyright to the journal when their articles are accepted for publication. For this, the Copyright Transfer Form must be signed by all authors and sent to the journal's e-mail address. Click here for the Copyright Transfer Form.
The rules of ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated in December 2017 - www.icmje.org) prepared by ICMJE have been adopted in the creation of article writing rules and determination of article format in Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences. .
Randomized studies submitted to the journal CONSORT (http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/consort/), observational studies STROBE (http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/strobe/), diagnostic value studies STARD (http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/stard/) systematic review and meta-analyses PRISMA (http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/prisma/) ), qualitative studies COREQ (http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/coreq) and nonrandomized/quasi-experimental studies TREND (http://www.cdc.gov/trendstatement/) guidelines.
General Rules for the Preparation of the Article
Articles; It should be written in 11-point Times New Roman font with 1 line spacing and 1 line between paragraphs. The entire article should be written as justify, and 2.5 cm margins should be left on the page. Main headings should be written in bold and with capital letters. When writing decimal numbers, dots should be used, not commas. Tables should be written in 10 font size, included in the text and numbered according to the order of passage. Tables should not have vertical lines. The table title is above the table, including the table number; The table name should be written with the first letters of the words capitalized and the following letters in lowercase and italic. In the article, diagrams, pictures, figures and graphics should be clearly drawn and not larger than 13x18 cm. The title of the figure should be placed under the figure, the first letters of the words should be capitalized and the others should be written in lower case. The source of the figure, if any, should be specified in parentheses. Figures that do not fit at the end of the page should be placed on the next page. Figures can be given after references if they break the integrity of the text.
References in the article should be written in 10 points. Article; It should not exceed 20 pages, including the main text, figures, graphics, tables, photographs, references and appendices.
Title Page
The title page of the article should be prepared and submitted separately from the main text page.
On the title page, the Turkish and English title of the article should be written.
The title of the article should be written in a way that reflects the article and should not exceed 12 words.
Name, surname, title, institution, department/major science, city and country information of the authors should be written under the title.
ORCID number of all authors should be given.
The name and contact information (e-mail and mobile number) of the corresponding author should be given separately.
Conflict of interest statement
Corporate and financial support statement
Contributions of the authors to the article; Idea; Design; Check; Resources; Materials; Data collection; Analysis and interpretation; Literature review; Who wrote the article; critical review
Ethical aspect of the study (Ethics committee decision number and date, participant consent and information on institutional permission)

Main Text
Research article; It consists of Turkish and English title, abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords, introduction, purpose, method, findings, discussion, conclusion and suggestions, references.
The abstract should be written in an unstructured format, should not exceed 150 words, should contain brief information about the article.
After the abstract, 3-5 keywords should be written, and the keywords should be selected from the MeSH (https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/search) list.
Compilation; These are articles that share opinions and suggestions about current issues, national and international literature. It is structured as Turkish and English titles, abstracts, keywords, related titles and resources.
Case report; These are articles that share important clinical and field experiences in the field. It is structured as Turkish and English titles, abstracts, keywords, related titles and resources.
Letter to the editor; It can be written to draw attention to any issue in the field or to criticize and express an opinion about the articles published in the journal. It is structured as Turkish and English titles, titles related to the subject, and resources.
References in the article should be written in accordance with the APA 7 (https://apastyle.apa.org/) style.

Open Access Policy

Kirsehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences supports the open access initiative of the peer-reviewed journal literature included in the Budapest Open Access Initiative and presents all the articles it publishes free of charge in an environment where everyone can read and download it. Open access to this declaration; scientific literature can be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to the full text, indexed, transferred to software as data and used for any legal purpose without financial, legal and technical barriers via the Internet. /www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/turkish-translation ).

Articles published in Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences can be used without permission from the authors and publisher, as long as the author and main source are cited.

Ethics Policy

Kirsehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences adopts the directive titled “International Standards of EditorsandAuthors” prepared by COPE (Committee on PublicationEthics). In this direction, the journal expects the authors, editors and referees to adopt the following ethical responsibilities, which have been prepared by making use of the directive.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

The research must have been conducted in accordance with ethical rules and legislation.
Research results; must be given accurately, without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data sharing.
The research method should be clearly defined.
Authors should state that the research is original, not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere.
All authors should take joint responsibility for the submitted publication.
All authors must have contributed to the research.
The corresponding author should disclose financial support and conflicts of interest.
The principles of the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed in all clinical studies.
Informed consent should be obtained from the participants participating in the research, and information about this should be given in the method section.
Experimental animals and animal studies should be treated according to the principles of the Laboratory Animal Care and Use Guide.
The name of the committee regarding the ethics committee approval and the number and date of the decision should be given.
Editors' Ethical Responsibilities

Editors take responsibility for any published research.
Editors initiate and conduct the appropriate peer review process in a fair and impartial manner.
Editors maintain a completely transparent, thorough and honest editorial policy.
Editors should save published research; should correct and publish a statement in cases such as retracting the publication, allegedly plagiarizing the suspicious publication or publication.
Editors should monitor for abuse from the referee or other editors.
Editors should critically evaluate the ethical situation in research on humans and animals.
Editors; should tell reviewers and authors what is expected of them.
Editors should have appropriate policies to deal with conflicts of interest.
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

The referee evaluates the article sent to him in accordance with the purpose and scope of the journal in accordance with his professional responsibilities.
It shares personal information, contact information and information about its area of ​​expertise and represents its area of ​​expertise fairly and accurately.
Even if the reviewers are not able to do the review, they should give a response to the editor when the time given to evaluate the article and report the result has expired.
The referees may reject the refereeing when they think that they cannot evaluate the article in the time given to them to evaluate the article.
The first thing the referees will do is to read the article and review the publication policies of the journal.
Reviewers cannot directly communicate with authors without the permission of the journal.
Reviewers cannot get help from another researcher in the evaluation of the article.
Double-blind peer review is adopted to prevent biases between reviewers and authors on race, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, commercial or gender-related issues.
The referees submit the article evaluation by filling in the forms suggested by the journal.
The reviewers submit their opinions, suggestions and comments to the editor for reading by the authors.
If the evaluation result of the referees is accepted/corrected/rejected, the referee is asked for advice.

Peer Review Process

At the first stage, the articles sent to the journal are evaluated by the secretary in terms of compliance with the journal article writing rules. Afterwards, it is pre-evaluated by the editor and assistant editor, and its suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal, ethical issues and plagiarism are evaluated. The articles that pass the pre-evaluation process are sent to the field editor for review. The field editor can send corrections directly to the author or, if he sees fit, send the article to at least two advisory board members using a double-blind method. Advisory board members are selected from among independent experts who have publications and citations in the international literature on the subject of the articles. Research articles are evaluated statistically by the statistics editor in the advisory board. The authors agree to make necessary corrections by the members of the advisory board and the editor. After the articles are accepted for publication, no changes can be made in the number of authors, additions, deletions or changes in the name.

If the articles whose evaluation process is ongoing are withdrawn by the authors without a justification accepted by the journal, the article evaluation result is considered as "rejection". In addition, failure to respond in a timely manner for edits is considered a reason for the article evaluation result to be "rejected". The initial evaluation process of the articles sent to the journal is completed within 6-10 weeks and the authors are given feedback. Decisions made as a result of the evaluation process; “Minor revision”, “Major revision”, “Acceptance” and “Rejection”. Articles are published on average within one year from the date of first submission.

Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi; Budapeşte Açık Erişim Girişimi’nde yer alan, hakemli dergi literatürünün açık erişimli olması girişimini destekler ve yayımladığı tüm yazıları herkesin okuyabileceği ve indirebileceği bir ortamda ücretsiz olarak sunar. Bu bildirgede açık erişim; bilimsel literatürün İnternet aracılığıyla finansal, yasal ve teknik bariyerler olmaksızın, erişilebilir, okunabilir, kaydedilebilir, kopyalanabilir, yazdırılabilir, taranabilir, tam metne bağlantı verilebilir, dizinlenebilir, yazılıma veri olarak aktarılabilir ve her türlü yasal amaç için kullanılabilir olması” olarak tanımlanmıştır (https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/turkish-translation ).

The journal is indexed in Sobiad Citation Index, Turkish Education Index and Turkey Citation Index.